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AspenCypress Admin
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Minecraft: AspenCypress
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@Smasher1 This bug has been fixed.

You can find the log in the #origin-dev channel on the Discord.


Thank you for your bug report.


Could you post an image / video of this? It's hard to diagnose this issue with only a text description.

Anthropology/Cannibalism about 1 year ago

I love cannibalism!!

What is the strongest possible Origin / Aspect / Class group/combination?

The best answer wins a Friendly Key (which lets you turn a mimic chest into your pet).

The second place will receive a luggage pet.

SO | Whitelist Guide about 1 year ago

Strobic Origins utilizes a semi-auto whitelist system.

You (the player) are essentially able to whitelist yourself.

  1. Launch the modpack & attempt to join the server. Not sure how to do this? Please check:
    1. https://strobicorigins.net/forum/topic/6-so-%7C-information--faq/
  2. When trying to join, the server will generate a code that will be 4-5 letters long.
  3. With that code, navigate to the StrobicTV discord server.
  4. In any channel, run the command /link <code>. This will whitelist you, and you will now be able to join.
  5. Have fun!


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