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Minecraft: Rowlan56
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AE2 Spatial Dimension about 1 year ago

So a bug I found, when put into a spatial drive everything goes black, not like normal black. Like you cant even see the esc gui black. I fixed it by getting someone to get everything out of the spatial drive including me and while out rejoin to fix it. The second time I went in it worked for a second like it is supposed to but the moment I broke a block in the spatial drive dimension everything went black again. Which may be some sort of cause or just a coincidence.

Basically if you open the advancements screen, there are so many mods that the tabs go off your screen to the right which cause you to be unable to see or access their pages. This is a issue because some mods like spectrum and hexcasting use it to tell you how to progress in the mod.

Anthropology/Cannibalism about 1 year ago


Cannibalism Basics:

-After stage 1 eating normal food will lower your stage

-Pigluttons occasionally show up to kill you and they break torches

-You can use the pigluttons tethered heart to be able to eat food without lowering your stage

-Sneak right click with a knife to try and cut off pieces of your own flesh

-If you are on fire when you cut off your own flesh it becomes cooked

-Gradually as you progress in the stages normal food will give less and less hunger

-Everyone sometimes wants to make a human flesh collection its completely normal

-No you are not a monster for eating the baby villager


Anthropology Cannibalism Stages:


-Stage 1: 10 Flesh (Get Nausea and Blindness)

-Stage 2: 15 Flesh (From this point on gain 2 armor points and 1 damage per Stage and more movement speed and you can no longer wear pants)

-Stage 3: 20 Flesh (Normal food starts giving less hunger increasingly per stage)

-Stage 4: 25 Flesh (Gain Night Vision and you can no longer wear helmets)

-Stage 5: 30 Flesh

-Stage 6: 35 Flesh (You can no longer wear boots)

-Stage 7: 40 Flesh

-Stage 8: 45 Flesh (Last stage gaining a total of 14 armor points and 7 damage per hit and can no longer wear chesplates)

From what I have tested atleast early game is Pheonixkin. Base pheonix breath does 1 damage a second and sets the enemy on fire. With perdito aspect you get 2 wither damage added to your breath attack for a total of 3 a second. And if you become either Butcher or Barbarian that boosts attack damage of axes for some reason it also adds that damage to the wither damage in the breath from perdito if you are holding a vanilla axe so finally totaling around 6 damage a second from breath. Also you can lag things a ton if you use your breath on water due to all the particles so you can kill someone physically and digitally. This also isnt counting buffs from the luna aspect and some other buffs of pheonixkin.

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