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Important Information Rules SO | Rules & Guidelines
AspenCypress Admin
11 posts
7 topics
about 1 year ago

General Information

We are not a perfect server, those do not exist. We cannot list every single rule in existence, and we won't. We expect our players to have common sense. Our staff are trained to properly handle each situation on a case-by-case basis, and as such their jurisdiction is final.

You and you alone are responsible for your Minecraft/Mojang/Microsoft account security. Do not share account details with anyone, and keep your passwords in a safe place.

We do not currently offer punishment appeals, except for the following reasons:

  • The staff involved were incorrect in their situational diagnosis.
  • The staff involved abused or misused their power.


Evading your punishment is punishable by a permanent ban on the entire StrobicTV network.

Minor Infractions

Minor infractions are infractions that are more of an annoyance than a major breaking of the rules.

  • Chat Spam
  • Non-English Chatting (in public chat)
  • Soft Advertising

Moderate Infractions

Moderate Infractions tend to make chat hostile or uncomfortable for other players.

  • Staff Interference

Major Infractions

  • Hate Speech
  • Shock Statements
  • Harassment
  • Flame Wars

Malicious Infractions

Malicious Infractions are intended to threaten, trigger, or intimidate players, staff, or the server. They include things such as:

  • Malicious Advertising
  • Malicious Statements
  • Spam Bot
  • Breaking StrobicTV ToS

Illicit Infractions

Using Strobic Origins to seek inappropriate relationships with children, sexually harass other players, solicit or distribute porn, post or threaten revenge porn, for sextortion, grooming, and other predatory behavior is not allowed.

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Retaliation
  • Pedophilia
  • Public Allegations

Moderate Cheating

Moderate Cheating includes but is not limited to macros, keybinds, scripts, illegal teaming, boosting, and alt abuse. Staff are not expected to distinguish between a hack, script, macro, or key bind when banning. Punishment depends primarily on the advantage given rather than the method used to cheat. For example, a script that behaves similarly to X-Ray would receive a hacking ban. Examples of Moderate Offenses include:

Players who knowingly assist or benefit from cheaters will be punished as if they cheated themselves. For our purposes, assisting a cheater includes providing alts, gear, or other support.

  • Illegal macros & scripts
  • Claiming to cheat
  • Moderate Hacks
  • Moderate Abuse
  • Alt Boosting

Major Cheating

Major Cheating includes Major Hacks, and methods of dishonestly taking items, labor, or anything else of value from another player. Because the methods used to cheat are constantly changing, the rules cannot address all activities that may be considered cheating.

  • Griefing
  • Stealing (theft, insiding)
  • Scamming
  • Major Abuse

It should be noted that in Strobic Origins, griefing & stealing are permitted past the 5000 x 5000 limit of the world.

Players who knowingly assist or benefit from cheaters will be punished as if they cheated themselves. For our purposes, assisting a cheater includes providing alts, gear, or other support.

Malicious Cheats

Malicious Cheating includes any methods to generate items or rares, easier or faster than otherwise possible. Most Malicious Cheating Bans are due to using hacked clients or other methods that give a similar advantage. Any macros, scripts, or use bugs that provide the same benefit as common hacks will be punished as hacks.

  • Malicious Hacks

Players who knowingly assist or benefit from cheaters will be punished as if they cheated themselves. For our purposes, assisting a cheater includes providing alts, gear, or other support.

Special Cases

Special Cases include violations that are difficult to categorize elsewhere.

  • Causing Lag
  • Falsifying Evidence
  • NSFW Skin
  • No destroying Lootr chests
  • No griefing / stealing within 5000 x 5000.

Last edited: about 1 year ago